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About Me!

I am an east coast born, lover of art and animation! Currently, I live with my wife, cat and dog in the beautiful state of Utah. Be sure to check out our Meet the Curley's comic for some much needed joy.

As a story artist, I breathe as much life into my work as possible, taking the time to carefully compose each shot while being quick and clear. I take pride in the work I do, but I know that being a team player is critical. I am always ready to help whenever a team mate is in need and encourage open critiques of my own work. Asking questions or speaking up when needed is also a key part of my open communication. Every 1-2 months I complete a pocket sized sketch book, packing it with gesture drawings, cool shapes of buildings, plants, cars, anything! 

When I am not studying art and all it entails, I spend my time playing videos games (Overwatch is still one of my favorites); Going on adventures with my wife; Reading comics like Black Science, Head Lopper, and Hellboy; Playing Dungeons and Dragons; And collecting and painting Warhammer 40K Figurines.

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